Your guide to why sustainability deserves a place in your marketing strategy and how to get it right.

If your brand is investing in impact and sustainability initiatives, you need to talk about it.

Sustainability has significant potential to drive sales and brand equity. But, many brands don't effectively communicate the positive impacts they're making.

The market research is clear. Consumers expect companies to take a leading role in addressing environmental and social issues. Yet, many Australians find sustainability claims made by organisations confusing.

So, does leaning into purpose actually contribute to profitability and brand health?

The short-answer? Yes. Absolutely, yes.

The longer and more complex answer? It’s not only about what you do but HOW you talk about it. Your customer has to know you’re doing it but also understand and apply meaning to it. 

"Brands that activate their purpose will not only drive brand perception, they will also drive product consideration and, ultimately, sales."

Magna / Kantar Research

What's included

Why you should talk about impact

Market research to justify showcasing your sustainability and impact messaging in your marketing.

How you should go about it

A three-step process to get your brand's impact communications right. From deciding what to include to how to package it up, we've got you covered.

Brands leading by example

Impact-led campaigns by brands who are leading the pack. We unpack how their campaigns stack up to their mission and how it performed in-market.

The data to make your case

All the numbers you need to present back to your team before launching an impact-led marketing campaign.

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